East Coast Cured Catch Up!

We finished production at our home of 7 years on 22nd March, spent 2 weeks turning ‘Salamiland’ into a space we could restart production & on the 8th April, Saucisson Sec batch #986 was born!

Who knew that keeping a business running while moving for the first time since escaping the attic would be so tricky?! We’ve still got a fair bit to do before we’re ready to show off Salamiland to everyone but at least the important bits are done. Read on for restock, market, click & collect news & a cheeky wee discount code…


Collections are back & you now have a few options! Order online to collect from…

Salamiland: Our new production facility at Unit 3, 109 Restalrig Road (formerly Clownaround for those in the know!) 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.

Bludge Wine: Our former shop is now Kirsty’s wine shop! Collect during opening hours, Thurs-Sat.

Bowhouse Food Weekend:From our stall on the second weekend of every month. Sat & Sun, 10am to 4pm.

Haddington Farmers’ Market:From our stall on the last Saturday of every month. 9am to 1pm.


DISCOUNT CODE: Enter CELEBRATINGSALAMILAND at checkout for 20% off your order. One use per customer.  Valid until 15th May

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