
Border Crossings 

Borders are fascinating: geographically, historically and food culturally. As I flicked through May’s diary entries I saw a common thread of borderlands I decided to explore. Look at a soil

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The Big Biodiversity Debate

Yet another newspaper with an article on the villainy of meat. How dare they indulge their favoured journalists, repeatedly giving them an influential platform to spread misconceptions and outrageous indiscriminate

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A Tale of Two Champions

Two very different Championships with much in common. The IGCAT European Young Chef 2023 was held last autumn, hosted by European Region of Gastronomy 2023, Hautes-de-France, and the Scottish Bread

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All aboard the MV Hjaltland

Shetland may have the unwelcome distinction of being the archipelago most likely to be parked off Aberdeen on ill-mannered maps but during the year they are the centre of the

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