…with Scotland’s Royal Highland Show starting on Thursday. 190K visitors can’t be wrong! For months June has been marked on calendars on fridge doors and desktops: cheesemakers and gelateria honing their skills for their Dairy Championships and bakers nurturing sourdough starters for the Scottish Bread Championships whilst elsewhere in the showground beekeepers polish their honey jars and skilled shearers compete in sheep shearing. Lumberjacks climb poles, heavy horses parade in the ring with immaculate wagons and every handicraft imaginable is on offer.

You will find us in Scotland’s Larder Live with the cream of the crop! Every one an award-winner, every one walking the walk supporting local produce, buying from producers 365days a year. The chefs and cooks demonstrating in our theatre justly deserve recognition for their passion and creativity with Scotland’s Larder.
With 7 shows daily and much to inspire you we look forward to welcoming you to our audience. Borders Region features heavily this year, being the region of the year, with Buccleuch Arms http://www.buccleucharms.com, Firebrick Brasserie https://firebrickbrasserie.co.uk, Cringletie https://www.cringletie.com, The Batch Lady https://thebatchlady.com and Bread Matters https://www.breadmatters.com. Across the rest of Scotland we welcome Ian from Gleddoch House https://gleddoch.com …

…Calum Montgomery from Edinbane Lodge https://www.edinbanelodge.com, Craig Wilson from Eat On The Green https://www.eatonthegreen.co.uk, Tom Lewis from Monachyle Mhor http://mhor.net, Paul Newman from Errichel http://www.errichelhouseandrestaurant.co.uk, Ali from AliBob Café http://alibobatcairnomohr.co.uk, Ian Campbell Master Baker https://www.campbellsbakery.com, Mark Heirs https://markheirs.com and from our capital city Carina Contini and Neil Forbes from Cannonball https://www.contini.com and Café St Honore http://www.cafesthonore.com respectively.

We are amazingly fortunate to have such shining stars and experts in their field. Entry to the Theatre is free with your RHS entry ticket so be prompt to catch a seat.
Also in Scotland’s Larder Live Hall you will find the Dairy and Bread Championships results and displays, The Tastings Talks Theatre and the Scottish Cheese Trail Tasting among a multitude of exceptional food producers to tempt you.

Scotland is indeed fortunate to have so many enthusiastic cooks and chefs willing to give up their time, and so many producers to experience under one roof.
My sincere thanks to them all and as we prepare for what I call the greatest food and farming show on earth. I think of us all as one big family and look forward to sharing our days with you.
….Not only but also….several well-deserved latest congratulations are in order for…
Craig Wilson, Thistle Award Winner Best Eating Place in Scotland 2019.
Contini Cannonball Restaurant, CiS Excellence Award for Food Tourism & Carina’s appointment as RHET (Royal Highland Education Trust) Ambassador.
Edinbane Lodge, CiS Excellence Award for Restaurant Newcomer of the Year.
Fred Berkmiller, CiS Excellence Award Chef of the Year http://www.lescargotblanc.co.uk