I count myself lucky indeed that the interests and pursuits I am most passionate about happen also to be how I earn my living: Good food, where to find it and what to do with it is my stock in trade.

When this involves enthusing folk in the most essential of life skills, eating well, I am in my element and take great pleasure in spreading the word, whether it be on my courses and workshops here at our Studio or across Scotland over Foraging Fortnight just around the corner. There is so much on: from foraging on the shores to well being in the woods, cookery classes and an amazing opportunity to meet the marvellous Eva Gunnare (right) https://www.eolapland.se/en and hear her Essence of Lapland presentation We have professional foragers, chefs and educators engaged across 5 regions from Orkney in the north to Lanarkshire in the south. Check out what’s on near you and reserve your tickets here www.foragingfortnight.co.uk

I am a firm believer in the old adage ‘you are what you eat’. I also believe it is important to convey this message as widely as possible, from awareness of environment and sustainable food issues through to the value of the convivial table – and above all the enjoyment of cooking!

In addition to quality assuring places to eat and endorsing the best producers I decided to add a Centre for Competence in Traditional Food Culture to Scottish Food Guide. A hub where professionals could offer courses and experiences to broaden your horizons and hone your skills in the world of food and drink.
But first a name. So on the assumption that one can’t go far wrong with an ‘ology’ Goodfoodology sprung to mind as fun, creative and a thought provoking way to study food, with just a hint of pizzazz that might appeal to eager minds even if it raises an eyebrow or two!There are bread making workshops and beer tours; authentic Indian cooking, my Cheese Lovers and Hygge courses and many more so why not treat yourself or gift an experience to a friend?

So let’s broaden our horizons to our native woodlands and shores, treat our bodies and minds well and appreciate the beauty of Scotland and those who have knowledge to share.