A highly respected meat and game dealer with super butcher shop in Forres and online mail order shop … now also with on-Farm shop at Edinvale Farm, The Wee Shed Shop at their Pasture for Life family farm. Their online orders are now in eco-friendly packaging too. In 1986 Jock’s parents Mike & Sue Gibson bought the established butcher’s shop as a direct outlet for their Edinvale Farm produce. Sadly missed, their dedication to high quality meat and Highland Cattle has carried on with Jock and Fiona & their family. RBST Award Winner 2022 & RBST Joint Winner Sustainable Butcher / Wholesaler of the Year 2023.
Among the many rare and heritage breeds Jock sells from both his own farm and on behalf of other highly regarded Scottish producers, Macbeths is also sole supplier of the Orkney Boreray mutton.Jock is highly skilled and enthusiastic – he has even entertained and educated us on the finer points of beef at the Food and Drink Theatre at the Royal Highland Show! From finest pedigree stock, much of the beef on sale is Highland, reared on their home farm, and game is sourced for top highland suppliers. Member of Scottish Craft Butchers.
From fine Highland Beef to rare breed pork and game, you will find it at Macbeths. Many of these fab photos are thanks to Jock plus some from me. Their dinky farm shop (pictured at Halloween in case you wondered about the ghosts) is also home to Fiona’s fine sourdoughs she bakes regularly. Jock is a Nuffield Scholar this year so his social media is even more active than usual as he experiences meat production across the world. Well worth a peek. Back at home, they are also completely revamping their retail shop in Forres so there will be new shop photos soon.