Dunlouise & Hardiesmill are the only two farms that currently meet Ark of Taste standards & criteria for Native Bred Aberdeen Angus. Hardiesmill in Berwickshire rear Scotch Assured pedigree Aberdeen Angus, Ethical Scotch Beef, in the traditional way, fed on grass and grass silage. Well hung beef from the finest Border countryside – the real deal.
Native Bred Aberdeen Angus beef has fine marbling that gives juicy flavoursome meat. It must be grass fed and suitably hung. The meat is less grainy, more buttery and malleable in texture.
There are very few dedicated farmers who still retain their pure bred herds but the Aberdeen Angus Society only needs the beasts to be sired by an Aberdeen Angus so they are no longer 100% pure bred. Aberdeen Angus is a famous name and popular on menus across the world but few realise that most of the time they are eating a cross bred animal.
Native Bred Aberdeen Angus feature on Steak (R)evolution
...and the Movie Look Back in Angus
The original herd dates back to the 1830’s, with Herd Books dating from 1860’s. There were 9 cow families left when Geordie Soutar at Dunlouise rescued them from near extinction. Their website is primarily for Livestock & Semen however sometimes Macdonald Bros. Butchers has their beef on sale: Pitlochry Shop: 01796 472047 & Aberfeldy Shop: 01887 820310
For butchered beef and cuts please contact the Tukes at Hardiesmill on weblink in panel. He was so impressed, Film Director & gourmet meat connoisseur Franck Ribière named Hardiesmill Native Bred Aberdeen Angus the best in his acclaimed movie ‘Steak (R)evolution’…and in his newly premiered sequel ‘Look Back in Angus.’