- Separate 6 eggs, placing the egg whites in the larger of 2 bowls. Melt 75g butter in a frying pan and when sizzling add the prepared chanterelles, tearing any larger ones in half for an even cooking time.
- Whisk egg whites first until the foam holds its shape. Then whisk the yolks along with a generous seasoning of Blackthorn salt, milled pepper and a small handful of torn fresh marjoram/oregano.
- When chanterelles are cooked, remove from pan with a draining spoon, leaving the butter in the pan. Add a wee drizzle of Summer Harvest rapeseed oil to the butter. Fold egg whites and yolks together, along with some chopped cooked chanterelles, and turn into the piping hot frying pan. A shoogle will ensure the mixture is level in the pan.
- Allow 3-4 minutes until the base is completely set before easing the edges in readiness to turn. By slipping the mix onto a plate and inverting when returning to the pan you can brown the other side. Alternatively place under the grill to brown the top.
- When set, scatter with remaining chanterelles, flip over half and slide onto a plate to share. Simply wonderful.
Recipe Notes