Orkney Boreray Mutton Meatballs & Colcannon

Orkney Boreray Mutton Meatballs & Colcannon
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Orkney Boreray Mutton Meatballs & Colcannon
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  1. Melt butter in pan and sweat onions until soft.
  2. Blend together mutton, cooled onion, breadcrumbs, egg and seasoning with sufficient cream to make a malleable mix.
  3. Roll into neat smallish balls and place on a plate until they are all ready.
  4. Add dripping/oil in heated pan and cook the meatballs gently over a medium heat, browning on all sides, shoogling the pan gently to keep them moving.
  5. Reduce heat and continue cooking for 10 minutes or so to ensure the meatballs are cooked right through. Cut open one meatball to check they are thoroughly cooked through with no pink. Alternatively, use a thermometer probe - the internal temperature should exceed 75°C.
  6. Serve with colcannon: floury potatoes combined 50-50 with shredded cabbage. Ideally boil the potatoes in a pan with a steamer for the cabbage above. When both are cooked, mashed the drained potatoes and season with salt and pepper, adding the cabbage with a generous knob of butter and a swig of cream.
  7. Delicious with bramble jelly.
  8. Makes 22 meatballs
Recipe Notes

Orkney Boreray is one of Scotland's most rare sheep, reared only on Orkney and available through Macbeths when in season.

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